Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Media and Information Design Framework

I. Media and Information Design Framework

1. Facilitate the activity among the learners: “ Imagine yourself as a journalist. You were tasked to
write an article. Accomplish the media and information design framework for this article by
answering the matrix below:”

"People protest against SOGIE Bill"


                      Guide Questions

               Your Answer
Target Audience
           Who is the intended audience?

Our government, people that is part of the  LGBTQ+ Society.
Sender / Author
                 Who is the producer?

                 What is the purpose?
To know what would be the effect of the SOGIE Bill in our society and how would it affect straight people whom are against this bill.
Key Content
                     What is the topic/
                 What are the facts?     
The equality between each and everyone , the respect to each other sexual orientation and identity.
Form / Style

       How can I present this information?
       How would this affect my audience?

I will present this information through a blogging and media sharing networks to be red by the influential persons.
Medium / Format

          What platform will I use? Why?

I will use blogs so everyone is allowed of to read it so they can be aware of the timely issue in our society.
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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MEDIA and INFORMATION LITERACY ePORTFOLIO by Fiona Ysabel O. Gabon STEM 12-4 Foreword           Nowadays, media is a powerfu...